

26 Weeks

Number of Weeks: 26 Weeks

Symptoms: Feeling fat!! I guess that's to be expected though! Feeling pretty good over all. I went for a message last week and it felt great! So far this pregnancy has been going much better then the first (knock on wood). My back is starting to hurt a bit more, but nothing like with Daxon as I can still sit at my desk all day, which never would have been possible the first time.

Cravings/Appetite: Slurpees! I think I had one every day last week! (I know its not the healthiest thing, but I crave them so bad)

Movement: Defiantly! She is moving a lot more then Daxon did! 

Sleep:: Can't complain, I have the odd night where I toss and turn, but for the most part pretty good!


The Pumpkin Patch

 Last weekend Derek unexpectedly had two days off, so we decided to head to pumpkin hollow and do the corn maze and the jumping pillow and see the animals! We took Daxon last year for the first time, but I think it was much more fun for him this time. He has so much fun running through the corn maze, we let him pick the way and it maybe took him 10 minutes if that! (last year took us a lot longer with Derek and I picking the path). He also got to ride on the cow train twice, which he was to small to do last year! Definitely will be a family tradition!!

Family picture

 Runing through the corn maze

We made it out!!

Jumping pillow

Jumping with Daddy!

Cow train! I love this picture!



What I'm Thankful For

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I thought I would take a minute to reflect on what I'm thankful for. All too often we sometime forget the smallest things make life so wonderful and the greater things that we sometimes take for granted.

-My Family and Friends, especially my husband and son
-The bouncing baby girl in my tummy
-My favourite song that come on the radio on my morning drive to work right after I spilled coffee on my lap and somehow make this little mishap not such a big deal and reminds me that the day is going to be good after all.
-The happy story on the new or in the newspaper, that brings tears to your eyes and reminds you that there are still caring people in this world!
-The sound of my sons voice at 6:00am in the morning on a Sunday yelling mommy from his room, although not so welcomed the for the first moment, it melts your heart that you are the first thing they think about after waking up.
-Lip chap
-Having a reliable vehicle (or three) to get me where I need to go
-My house, maybe not the biggest on the block, but it's perfect for us!
-Modern conveniences like my dishwasher and toilet seats (in Cuba they are few and far between)!
-Being able to provide my son, with everything he needs (and more at times)
-Having food on our table every night (and being able to order in when I don't feel like cooking)
-The Internet and Google, as all the answers to life's questions can be found on google
-Having good jobs that support our family

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving??


23 Weeks

Number of Weeks: 23 Weeks

Symptoms: Not much at all, headaches have seem to be gone all together. My back has started to get sore, usually just after lunch, but nothing at all like it was when I was pregnant with Daxon.

Cravings/Appetite: Nothing particular, it just seems like I am hungry ALL THE TIME!!

Movement: Sure thing! Again, mostly in the morining when I'm sitting at my desk and in the evening when lying on the couch. I have also notised that when I pat my belly, when listening to music, she will start moving.

Sleep: I had a few days when I just couldn't get comfy, so I finally brought out my body pillow I used with Daxon. I remember using it a lot earlier with Daxon, so maybe it would get that bad.

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