

Embrace the Camera : Birthday Addition

Helping me blow out the candles on my Birthday!

Eying up the cake!


Auntie Cara's Visit

On Monday my sister Cara came and stayed the night at our house. We spent the day making cabbage rolls, chocolates and Christmas cards. We had so much fun! We looked and at clock and it was 7:30pm and then the next time was 10:30pm and we wondered where the time had gone!

The next morning she watched Daxon while I cleaned the house, I really appreciated it as I always feel like I'm neglecting him while I'm cleaning!


My 27th Birthday Extravaganza!

As I had mentioned in a previous post Friday was my 27th birthday and Derek had planned a fun filled two day's for me! I will start off by saying it was one of the best birthdays I can remember! I got to spend it with all the most important people in my life (minus my Dad, who couldn't be there). Here is how it all went down!

Friday morning I spent at home with Daxon and Derek, we had cake and I opened my cards and presents!

I was eying this wine purse up at a store when we were in Bismark, but was too cheap to buy it!

"Miss wine" wine glass from my Mom and Dad

Then we all headed to the city. My sister and I got ready and headed out for dinner with my Mom and friend Candace.

After we finished dinner, my sister and I went to a lounge where we met up with Derek, my brother and Derek's friend!

On Saturday I was supposed to go for brunch with my friend Amanda and then for pedicures and manicures, needless to say I didn't make it for brunch, but was ready to go for the pedicure and manicure.

I hadn't had any spa treatments for over a year, so it was very relaxing getting my nails and toes done, the chairs we sat in while getting our pedicures were massaging chairs, which only added to the relaxation!

To top the two says of Birthday Celebration my Mom cooked the whole family supper that night and made me a whole made Chocolate Cake!

I'm so lucky to have such a great husband and family, who make me feel so special!


Embrace the Camera: Family Addition

There had been a lot of this going on at our house the past week

Yes, the whole family playing, Derek hasn't been able to work because of the rain, so we've just spent most of the days being lazy together! And let me tell you I haven't minded a bit!


My Birthday Present!

Well, it's my birthday on Friday and the other night Derek told me what my present was! And I'm super excited about it. I really don't want or need anything for my birthday, so Derek came up with this super present!

On Friday Derek, Daxon and I are going to spend the morning together and have lunch and cake, then (since Derek starts work at 3, well he's suppose to, stupid rain!) Daxon and I are off to the city for the night, where Derek arranged for my sister, mom and I to go for supper and cocktails (YUMM!)

Then on Saturday he arranged for my friend Amanda and I to go for brunch and then to the spa for mannies and petties! He even arranged babysitters for Daxon! It's been forever since I had a girls night or been to the spa, so I'm so excited! What a sweet guy I have! Stay tuned for pictures!


Last night I had a night to myself while Derek was a work (his rig hasn't been working for over a week as it has been raining all week). I made some popcorn, had a Pepsi, caught up on some TV and RELAXED!


Things I'm Loving This Month

These long sleeve shirts from Wal-Mart, only $9.00 each and they look great!

Clairol Nice'n Easy root touch-up, this has been a god sent this month being to busy to get my hair done!

This Colgate tooth paste with little white strips!


9 Months!

On Wednesday our little man turned 9 months old! I really can't believe its been that long, he's grown so much and is now getting into EVERYTHING! Gone are the days where you could leave him in the middle of the bed by himself or put him on his playmate and run to the other room with out worrying he'll get into anything.

This month he has officially stared to crawl full time (he has been
on the move the last few month but would just move on his tummy) and let me tell you, there is no stopping him and if you do manage to catch up to him he starts to scream! He's also pulling him self up on whatever is around him and pulling on everything including, things that aren't mounted to anything! The other day he pulled my laptop off the end table! I think this favorite thing is to turn the TV off and on while your watching it and then when you tell him no, he just laughs at you! And his monthly pictures as you can see below, are much more interesting! Oh how I love him!


Embrace the Camera

Playing around on a rainy Thursday!



Today marks the start of Oprah's final season of her talk show. I've always enjoyed watching her show, it wasn't like all the other talk shows, it is actually informational and made you believe you could become a better person with a "A-HA moment"! I've always said she was my hero, she has so much and yet gives so much!

I've always watched the show, but this season I am making it a personal goal of mine to watch every show (with the help of the PVR of course! What would we do with out it?). Maybe my big "A-HA moment is yet to come!

Helping with the Dishes

I was unloading the dishwasher yesterday, when I turned around after putting some dishes away, to find this.....

Then this...

Followed by actually sitting on the door, which I didn't take a picture of because I was scared the door would break off!

I probably shouldn't let him crawl on it, but it's just so cute!


Fall has Fallen

Well at least at our house it has. Yesterday was such a cold day I decided that I would start decorating for the fall season, I had purchased a few fall items on our recent trip and wanted to display them instead of putting them away for a week or two and this is what I came up with this year.

We recently put this hutch that was my husbands grandmothers in our dining space. I have really enjoyed displaying pictures and such on it and can't wait to decorate it for every new season!

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