

Sick Days!

The past week and a half have been kinda crazy around here. It started with Derek coming down with a bad stomach flu, which knock him out for a few days and then I got a lesser vision for a day. Derek's mom came and watched Daxon for the day, which was super nice. Then last weekend Daxon came down with it! I must say it has hit him harder then it did us. He hasn't had much of an appetite the last few days and won't drink anything but formula from his bottle (which we had taken him off a few weeks ago). He was even sick on his birthday! He's getting better slowly but surly, so hopefully we'll have our rambunctious little man back soon.

Derek also started a new job on Monday, so we have been trying to adjust with his new hours and getting a schedule down. I must say he's much happier then where he was, so it will all be worth it!

Well that's my update (aka excuse for not blogging much lately). Here's a picture of our sick little guy, who has found a new home on the dogs bed.

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