
Showing posts with label Baby #2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baby #2. Show all posts


30 Weeks

Number of Weeks: 30 Weeks

Symptoms:  Things at this point are starting to get a lot more uncomfortable, just things like putting on socks or shoes. As far as actually symptoms, I'm feeling pretty good, my back has been bothering me a bit more each week, but again, not nearly as bad as it was with Daxon. I think this baby is sitting lower then Daxon did (even my sister mentioned she thought so) and I think that is helping.

Cravings/Appetite:Well I'm happy to say I'm past my slurpee everyday stage (and considering it's getting to -20 some days, it's probably for the best)

Movement: It seems she is really active one day and then not as much the next she must be tiring herself out!

Sleep: This has defiantly become less comfortable, some night I will just keep tossing and turning and cant get comfortable. (I just want to lye on my tummy!!!)

Only 10 more weeks to go!!!


26 Weeks

Number of Weeks: 26 Weeks

Symptoms: Feeling fat!! I guess that's to be expected though! Feeling pretty good over all. I went for a message last week and it felt great! So far this pregnancy has been going much better then the first (knock on wood). My back is starting to hurt a bit more, but nothing like with Daxon as I can still sit at my desk all day, which never would have been possible the first time.

Cravings/Appetite: Slurpees! I think I had one every day last week! (I know its not the healthiest thing, but I crave them so bad)

Movement: Defiantly! She is moving a lot more then Daxon did! 

Sleep:: Can't complain, I have the odd night where I toss and turn, but for the most part pretty good!


What I'm Thankful For

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I thought I would take a minute to reflect on what I'm thankful for. All too often we sometime forget the smallest things make life so wonderful and the greater things that we sometimes take for granted.

-My Family and Friends, especially my husband and son
-The bouncing baby girl in my tummy
-My favourite song that come on the radio on my morning drive to work right after I spilled coffee on my lap and somehow make this little mishap not such a big deal and reminds me that the day is going to be good after all.
-The happy story on the new or in the newspaper, that brings tears to your eyes and reminds you that there are still caring people in this world!
-The sound of my sons voice at 6:00am in the morning on a Sunday yelling mommy from his room, although not so welcomed the for the first moment, it melts your heart that you are the first thing they think about after waking up.
-Lip chap
-Having a reliable vehicle (or three) to get me where I need to go
-My house, maybe not the biggest on the block, but it's perfect for us!
-Modern conveniences like my dishwasher and toilet seats (in Cuba they are few and far between)!
-Being able to provide my son, with everything he needs (and more at times)
-Having food on our table every night (and being able to order in when I don't feel like cooking)
-The Internet and Google, as all the answers to life's questions can be found on google
-Having good jobs that support our family

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving??


23 Weeks

Number of Weeks: 23 Weeks

Symptoms: Not much at all, headaches have seem to be gone all together. My back has started to get sore, usually just after lunch, but nothing at all like it was when I was pregnant with Daxon.

Cravings/Appetite: Nothing particular, it just seems like I am hungry ALL THE TIME!!

Movement: Sure thing! Again, mostly in the morining when I'm sitting at my desk and in the evening when lying on the couch. I have also notised that when I pat my belly, when listening to music, she will start moving.

Sleep: I had a few days when I just couldn't get comfy, so I finally brought out my body pillow I used with Daxon. I remember using it a lot earlier with Daxon, so maybe it would get that bad.


Nursery Ideas

From the moment we found out we were excepting another baby, I couldn’t help but start thinking about nursery ideas. I was hoping it was going to be a girl, as I had already done a boy nursery. Originally I wanted to it to be a zebra and bright pink theme, something like this perhaps??

After thinking about it and looking for ideas, I thought it might be too much, so I started looking for different ideas. I had always liked cherry blossom trees and started looking for pictures to do a mural on the wall (I painted a giraffe for Daxons nursery and when we moved I painted a whole wall in camo for him). After looking at pictures, mostly decals, I found this one and fell in love with it (I know it's not a cherry blossom tree)! I thought it was so girly and loved the white and pink and even the purple wall it was on.

I also liked the bedding with the crib and after looking online, my sister found it, but it was about $250.00 (we got Daxons bedding at K-Mart for maybe $50). This being our second baby I know that the baby doesn’t even use the blanket and we don’t need the bed skirt and the sheets are changed so often, that I can’t imagine spending that much. So when I came across this set the other week for around $100.00, I thought it would go perfect!

I also know that I want some sort of chandler for lighting, something super girly, maybe something like this??

I would really like a white crib and change table/ dresser, but with having Daxons just sitting not being used and still in such good shape, I can’t really justify going and getting a new one, so we will be using it (I hope it will still have the same effect as I'm looking for).

I’m hoping to get started on it next weekend, painting and such. I want to have it done a few months early so that Daxon gets use to it. That it for now!!!


Its a GIRL

Yup that's right, it`s a Girl!!! And we could`t be more excited (actually I`m still getting use to the idea!). I think most people always hope for a girl and boy, but for it actually to be happening is incredible! When the tech first started the ultrasound she said that the baby was curled up, so I was afraid that they wouldn`t be able to tell us, but she was really good and had me move around to get her in a position to tell.

I`v started to do a little shopping, but don`t need to get a whole lot as my sister just had a little girl just about a year ago and had a major shopping addiction, so she is going to lend us all her cloths. As for the bigger items, we already have all of them.

Here she is! The ultrasound tech said she has beautiful lips and spine and she was very cooperative.
(sorry about the picture I took a picture of the picture, lol!)

I made these gift bag up ahead of time, it said girl on one side and boy on the other. I had bought and girl and boy outfit ahead of time and then we put the appropriate one inside and gave it to our parents to open. I thought it would be a little more exciting then just telling them!

It`s a girl!!!


20 Weeks

Number of Weeks: 20 Weeks

Symptoms: Headaches still! I've also been fighting a cold this week, so it kind of sucked, luckily it wasn't that bad that I couldn't live without some sort of drugs and it's mostly gone now. I have also started to noticed that if I sit for a long period of time or in a weird position, that my back starts to get sore, but still not as pain full as it was when I was pregnant with Daxon.

Cravings/Appetite: Still sweet things, but not as much as earlier. I will see random commercials on TV for food that make me want something (but I've always been like that, but we will just blame it on being pregnant for now).

Movement: Yes, quite a bit more than before, I notice it mostly in the morning and in the evening (it kind of tickles). Nothing really strong yet, but I can't wait!

Sleep: Still mostly good, there is the odd night I can't seem to get comfortable, but I will take it.


18 Weeks

Number of Weeks: 18 Weeks

Symptoms: Headaches at least once a day, some aren't to bad and some are worse. My tummy is starting to get itchy this week (bring on the coco butter!). Other than that, still feeling pretty good, no back pain yet like I had with Daxon at this time (fingers crosses it never comes!)

Cravings/Appetite: Still sweet things and sometime I just crave an ice cold glass of water!
Movement: I think so! With Daxon I don't really remember the first little movements like the butterflies, I just remember the a actual kicks.

Sleep: Still good!


15 Weeks

I pretty much sucked at documenting my pregnancy with Daxon, it was so exciting and new, that I thought to myself, how could I ever forget these moments and milestones of being pregnant. Boy was I wrong! At one of my doctors appointments, she asked me how big Daxon was when he was born and can you believe it, I couldn't remember the exact weight! I knew it was 7lbs, but the ounces?? nope.

So I thought this time I would do a better job! so here is my first picture!

15 weeks

Number of Weeks: 15 Weeks (Aug 8)

Symptoms: Tiiredness is completely gone and most of the morningsickness. I still find myself not feeling to well right when I wake up, but usually by 9:00ish I'm good. I have also been getting headaches, but they usually pass pretty quickly. Other than that I'm feeling pretty normal.

Cravings/Appetite: Sweets! I will go to walmart and buy a container of gummie candies and Daxon and I will have them finished in no time. The other day we bought a chocolate cream pie and I finished it in maybe 2 day! I'm usually not a big fan of sweet, but oviously pregnancy makes me want them, as I hap the same craving with Daxon.

Movement: Nope, not yet!

Sleep: Can't really complain, it's just annoying having to get up and pee in the middle of the night.

It's Been Awhile

Well over a year to be exact! I meant to keep blogging, but it kind of became neglected with all the changes that have happened in the last year. What has changed to ask? Well where to begin?

1. We moved from the little town we were living in, back to the city! We discovered that we weren’t small town people and although living in the town was much closer to where Derek was working ( a half hour drive compaired to at the most to an hour and half, if not more) we are definitely happier! We love being with our friends and family again!

2. Along with the move back to the city came a new house! Which we love! Although it is smaller than our last, all we needed to do was paint (and a few smaller things here and there). Considering our last two houses required a lot of work (down to the studs at times) it was so nice not spending every minute doing renovations.

3. A job for me! When living in the town before I had wanted to go back to work, just to get interaction with people, as there wasn’t much to do around town. But not being able to find a babysitter for Daxon, made this impossible. In the beginning it was a big transition, but we managed and Daxon loves his babysitter.

4. I became an auntie! My sister and brother in law had a beautiful baby girl on November 13, 2011 that they named Laila (I call her my little chubster). She is such a cutie and had already started to walk at 9 months old. It’s a totally different experience being auntie rather than mommy! And Daxon is such a good cousin.

5. I traded in my beloved kiwi green 2008 escape (which was my dream car) for... wait for it!!! A 2010 Dodge Grand Caravan (and yes I pimped it out with some awesome family decals). Yes, I have fallen into the trap and am officially a hypocrite. I had always said to everyone that there is no need for a minivan, that there is always an SUV that will fit your needs, but that is not true! It is so much easier putting Daxon in his car seat as there is so much more head room, no more bumped heads on the roof! And all the space is great, if you need to change a diaper on while on the run, the floor works perfect! Even Derek who said he won't drive it without Daxon or I had been seen driving by himself!

6. And the best news yet!!! We are having another baby!!!! That’s right, baby D or T (depending on if it’s a girl or boy and yes we want to find out) is expected to join us January 30, 2013 and we couldn’t be happier!

(The original date was February 2, but has since changed)

Well now that I’ve written this post, I’m hoping to keep things updated as I enjoy looking at past posts and reminiscing. 

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